Our Leadership

Governing Structure of MEF

Muslim Education Foundation works under the guidance of an international board of advisor and a local board of directors.

MEF Board of Advisors

Currently, MEF is honored to have three very senior scholars of immense stature on its international board of advisors:

Board of Directors

Muzaffar Iqbal (President)BioMuzaffar Iqbal has written more than 50 articles on various aspects of Islamic intellectual tradition, including Islamic Education and theories of ilm al-nafs, the science of the inner resources. Over the last thirty years, he has given numerous lectures on education in major universities in USA, Malaysia, Pakistan, Iran, Syria and other countries. Click here for more information on his work.
  • Abir Ebrahim (Vice President): Sister Abir is a settlement counselor at Catholic Social Services and founder of Amana academy, Edmonton, which runs a private Islamic school in Edmonton.
  • Shaykh Sherif (Vice-President, religious affairs): Shaykh Sherif graduated from Al Azhar University, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Department of Islamic Studies in English (2004-2008) and served as an Imam in Egypt (2009-2011), before moving to USA to serve as an Imam at the Omar Haikal Islamic Academy In Las Vegas, NV (2011-2013). He served as an Imam at Masjid Ismail Bullhead City, AZ (2013 -2016), and then moved to Edmonton where was is now the Imam of the Al-Rashid Masjid before becoming the Imam of MCE Masjid (2016- ).

Abu Khalifa Secretary-Treasurer​: Is a structural engineer. He has deep roots in Islamic education, first in Tanzania and now in Sherwood Park.